The Imprisonment and Starvation of Those Who Do Not Fast
Someone who deliberately fails to fast is not an unbeliever, but must be imprisoned and given no food or water. (Ash-Sharh as-Saghir 1/239) (Kifayat al-Talib 2/252) (Al-Mughni 2/408)
This fabricated hadith conflicts with the faith and conscience for the same reasons cited above:
1. It seeks to force people to perform an observance that should be performed with love;
2. It flies in the face of the verse that says there is no compulsion in the religion;
3. It is based on violence, the exact opposite of the affection at the heart of the faith;
4. Instead of encouraging people to love God and worship, the main aim of the faith, it encourages people to feel anger and hatred for religion and worship.
In addition to all these, fasting is an act that some people cannot observe out of weakness, and that is not compulsory for the sick. God makes this important condition about fasting clear in the following verses:
(Fast) for a specified number of days. But any of you who are ill or on a journey should fast a number of other days. For those who are able to fast (but with hardship), their ransom (substitution) is to feed the poor. And if someone does good of his own accord, it is better for him. But that you should fast is better for you, if you only knew. (Qur'an, 2:184)
... Any of you who are resident for the month should fast it. But any of you who are ill or on a journey should fast a number of other days. God desires ease for you; He does not desire difficulty for you. (Qur'an, 2:185)
These two verses, which are quite explicit pronouncements concerning fasting, say that people who are unable to fast during the month of Ramadan because they are sick or traveling can make up the number of days they were unable to fast at a later time, and if people are completely unable to fast because they are sick or because they cannot endure it easily, they can compensate for this by feeding a poor. God reveals in the verse that, “God desires ease for you; He does not desire difficulty for you.”
For people to insist that they should still fast despite this easy and explicit commandment regarding the sick and others who will find it difficult to do so means wronging themselves. The Qur’an prohibits a Muslim from doing something that will be harmful to him.
Setting up a repressive system through false hadiths that contradict the Qur’an, despite this explicit pronouncement in the Qur’an, is important in revealing the practices involved in the fanatic mindset. These people foolishly dislike the affectionate language in the Qur’an (surely God and the Qur’an are beyond that) and try to manufacture their own religions based on their own dark worlds. That is why they try to add this repressive superstition onto the faith.
Someone may be sick or feeble; it goes without saying that people’s constitutions are all different. Many people are tested with various diseases in this world. Although with His sublime love, God makes allowances for the sick and feeble, people are still compelled to fast by force in some countries on the basis of these false hadiths. It is also not hard to imagine an environment in which someone who is too sick to fast is imprisoned and kept without food and water. In such a situation there is no doubt that the person’s sickness will worsen and he will soon die. Thus the fanatic mindset strives to impose such despotism at the cost of endangering people’s lives.
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